Pukekohe Tennis Shirts
Our clinic prides ourselves on supporting our community and works with many groups, including sports clubs. This year we have sponsored...
An exciting edition to our treatment range
As many of you know, at Step Up Podiatry we are medical practitioners, but often we struggle to treat patients who do not tolerate...
Deals for locals!
Ths month we will be having a special deal for our medical pedicures and also sports massage for legs on our local site "Deals for...
Te Kauwhata Podiatry Clinic
We have started our Te Kauwaha podiatry clinic and it was a great success! We weren't expecting such a busy day! This clinic will be...
1000 likes on facebook!
WOW! We have over the weekend ended up passing the 1000 mark on our facebook page :) We appreciate all of the facebook love and to...
Franklin Positive Aging Expo
This year the Franklni Positive Aging Expo is on Friday the 2nd of October. We have given the Franklin Health Group 5 vouchers for our...
Pukekohe Half Marathon and 6km Fun Run
Less than one month to go till the Transworks Half Marathon and 6km Fun Run! Step Up Podiary will be there along with some of our friends...
Podiatry clinic opening in Te Kauwhata
We have a new clinic opening....in Te Kauwhata! We have so many patients commuting to travel to us at our other clinics from as far down...
WOOOOOOO! We are expanding!
Hi everyone! We have a new team member and her profile is below, and we are super excited to have her on board! Carmen is our newest...
Nail Laser Vouchers
Hi everyone, as you may know we did a fungal laser voucher on deals for locals recently, and there has been some confusion as to the...