What to expect: Sports injury treatment
Often people ask what do podiatrists do? And often we are not the first practitioner people see when they have a sports injury. So here are a few handy tips to share with you what your podiatrist is able to do:
If you require imaging for an injury like an X-ray or Ultrasound podiatrists are able to refer you for these.
If you need to fill out an ACC claim, you do not need to visit your GP first.
In a typical appointment, the following can be used in our clinics:
Myofacsial release
Sports massage
Exercise prescription
Sports taping
Moon boot fitting
Extra-corpeal shockwave treatment
Kinesio taping
Footwear advice and modficiations
Biomechanical assessment to check for any factors pre-disposing you to injury
Referral to other health providers such as a sports physician, orthopedics, physiotherapy, acupuncture etc
Two important things that your podiatrist is not able to do is prescribe you with anti-inflammatories (we can only advise you speak with a pharmacist) and refer for MRI scans.
Our clinics also have a 60 minute initial assessment to ensure a thorough assessment and full treatment session, utilizing as many skills our sports podiatrists have acquired at university and post-graduate studies.