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What to expect: Sports injury treatment

Often people ask what do podiatrists do? And often we are not the first practitioner people see when they have a sports injury. So here are a few handy tips to share with you what your podiatrist is able to do:

If you require imaging for an injury like an X-ray or Ultrasound podiatrists are able to refer you for these.

If you need to fill out an ACC claim, you do not need to visit your GP first.

In a typical appointment, the following can be used in our clinics:

Myofacsial release

Sports massage

Exercise prescription

Sports taping

Moon boot fitting


Extra-corpeal shockwave treatment

Kinesio taping

Footwear advice and modficiations

Biomechanical assessment to check for any factors pre-disposing you to injury

Referral to other health providers such as a sports physician, orthopedics, physiotherapy, acupuncture etc

Two important things that your podiatrist is not able to do is prescribe you with anti-inflammatories (we can only advise you speak with a pharmacist) and refer for MRI scans.

Our clinics also have a 60 minute initial assessment to ensure a thorough assessment and full treatment session, utilizing as many skills our sports podiatrists have acquired at university and post-graduate studies.

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Reception Hours:

Monday - Friday 8am-4:30pm

Clinic Opening Hours

Our clinic hours reflect our podiatrist's appointment schedules and are subject to change

Pukekohe (behind Seddon Medical)

13B Hall Street

​Monday - 8am-5pm

Tuesday - 8am-5pm

Wednesday - 8am-6pm

Thursday - 8am-6pm

Friday - 7:30am-2pm 

Saturday - 8am- 1:30pm

Sundays - Closed

Otahuhu (inside Otahuhu Physiotherapy) 15/23 Station Rd, Otahuhu

Monday - 8am-4pm

Waiuku (Inside Waiuku medical):

30 Constable Road

Tuesday - 8am-3:30pm

Te Kauwhata (inside Te Kauwhata Health Centre)

12 Main Road

Every 2nd Thursday of the month (Please call to confirm dates). 

Possum Bourne Retirement Village  5 Lisle Farm Dr, Pukekohe

Every 3rd Thursday of the month (Please call to confirm)

Karaka Lifestyle Estate 329 Bremner Road, Drury Every 4th Thursday of the month (Please call to confirm)

Mangere (inside Mangere Health Centre)

 Waddon Place, Mangere

Every 2nd Friday of the month (Please call 09-255 0600 for bookings and dates)

Otahuhu (Otahuhu Physiotherapy)
Te Kauwhata
Ryman (Possum Bourne)
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